We are happy to announce the details for our November luncheon which will be Friday, November 17th at 11:30 am in the Charbonneau Clubhouse Dining Room, catered by The Market Cafe. Our thanks to our hostesses — Margie Wiesenthal and Eileen Willis — and to Vicki Wright for the design.  We are also excited to announce our November speaker will be Dara Michellini,  Director of Infant Adoption Services, Boys & Girls Aid. For 30 years Dara has been helping families and children in our community create healthy safe permanent homes.

Our October luncheon is a scrumptious menu including:

  • Apricot-glazed chicken breast
  • Rice pilaf
  • Stir-fried veggies
  • Harvest salad with raspberry vinaigrette
  • Rolls and butter
  • White chocolate raspberry cheesecake
  • Beverages: Lemonade & Hot water for tea, cider or cocoa
  • A selection of red and white wines will be available. Please bring a little extra something for the tip jar to help defray the cost.

The brunch price is $25. The deadline to RSVP online by credit card or into the lockbox by cash/check is Monday, November 13 at Noon. Sorry, no exceptions.

RSVP By Credit Card

RSVP online please at: RSVP HERE.

When you RSVP online you will be paying by credit card only. You will receive an online confirmation right away. The new online sign-up is pretty easy to use but here are the step-by-step instructions.

ON PAGE ONE, please:

  1. Fill out the number of lunches you wish to purchase (i.e., 1 or 2).
  2. You may also make an additional donation on this page. Click “next” when you are ready to proceed.

ON PAGE TWO, please:

  1. Fill out detailed information including name, address, and contact information.
  2. There is a small box directly below the required fields that says, “Carry forward above Contact Information to the payment/primary contact page.” Check this box if you wish to use the same information for your billing and contact information on the following page.
  3. Click next when you are ready to proceed.

ON PAGE THREE, please:

  1. Fill out the required cardholder information, and credit card information.
  2. Check the electronic signature box, and the “I am not a robot” box.
  3. When you are finished, click “Submit for processing.”
  4. Once you have successfully submitted your payment, you will land on the final page confirming your registration, and you will also receive a confirmation email.

If you have any allergies, please contact Judi Thie at kjthie@hotmail.com

RSVP By Check or Cash

If you want to pay by check or cash, drop off your monies (marked with your name in an envelope) into the Boys & Girls lockbox in the new Activity Center coat room, which is to the left as you come into that lobby.

Please note–there will no longer be any exceptions for late payments. This is necessary due to the need to provide a precise count of meals required to our caterer. As the caterer invoices based on the number in the room, we are not able to allow members to attend without paying and by the deadline. We appreciate your understanding in compliance with this policy.

Also at this Luncheon

We begin Sign-Ups for “The Dinner” Silent Auction this month.  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.  Over the next 3 months you will be able to pick from the many suggested options or offer your own for what you would like to donate to this year’s auction.

You will also have the opportunity to pull tags from the Holiday Giving Wreath.  Those gifts will need to be delivered unwrapped to Leslie Walker’s home by 12/8.  If you are not able to attend this luncheon, the wreath with remaining tags will be on Leslie’s porch following the luncheon.

See everyone there!

Steph Pump, President
Boys & Girls Aid, Cypress Auxiliary